Wednesday, 4 January 2006


There was a frost overnight and everything was crispy with ice. We had our regulation 2 bread rolls for breakfast, avoided joining in with the folk dancing, and went in to Freiburg for the day, mainly for shopping. We found the art shop and I bought some good brushes, and then went to the wool shop next door where I bought some more wool for another scarf. Said scarf, finished, is pictured below.

We pretty much wandered around most of the day, went to the same bakery twice (just near the picture below. Note the travesty of putting a McDonalds sign on that brown and white building, just above the righthand arch!), for morning and afternoon tea, and at one stage went past a place that had a temperature gauge in the window, which said it was -4 degrees Celsius!

We did some shopping, but it was mainly window shopping. We also searched for internet cafes, as the ones listed in our Lonely Planet Guide no longer existed. The one we finally found was in the basement of a photocopying shop (of course, where else?!), so Tim was able to email his Uni supervisors about his meeting with the academics.

We went back to the youth hostel for dinner (SOOO not worth it!) and then back to our room. Tim decided he needed a book to read, so he went back to town to visit the bookshops and wandered around for a bit.