After we had packed up we loaded everything into the car. There had been no new snow overnight and there was no ice so for once there was nothing to clean off the car. On the way to the express way we bought diesel without any dramas, though we realised that we had no idea how much the tank holds. We had an uneventful trip, and I even remembered passing the army/airforce base just near Mannheim from our last trip in 2002. We stopped at a roadhouse near Mannheim for some morning tea, where there was also a motel. We counted at least 6 Avon cars in the carpark, so there must have been some sort of Avon convention on.
On reaching the turn off to Freiburg we once again had no idea how to get to the youth hostel, so we just drove and drove. None of it made any sense in relation to the map we had of the inner city of Freiburg in our guidebook. We went through 'town' and ended up in suburbia, and were just looking for somewhere to ask for directions when we saw a sign for a youth hostel. We didn't know if there was more than one youth hostel in Freiburg, but thought that at least if we got to the wrong one they should be able to give us directions to the right one! We followed the signs, but ended up on a bikepath/footpath which lead over a river, but certainly wasn't wide enough for cars! A kind man stopped and told us how to get there on roads but said it was a common mistake! When we finally got to the hostel it was the right one.
A large group of folkdancers is staying at the hostel, and as well as dancing classes, they have a variety of craft activities too. The man who directed us to the youth hostel is with them.